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X the theme 10.6.1 nulled WordPress Theme

short description

X the null theme WordPress Theme The abundance of free plugins available for WordPress, including Advanced Custom Fields PRO, ConvertPlug, Essential Grid, WPBakery Page Builder, LayerSlider, Slider Revolution, Superfly, and UberMenu, makes it a well-liked theme. It also has WooCommerce templates, a WordPress Customizer, and four theme stacks.

Many plug-ins and extensions, including Olark, White label, Video Lock, and many more, are available with X Theme. These are all part of the theme and will be updated at no cost at all. On our website, customers can also obtain comparable WordPress themes like Avada and Enfold.

X the theme nulled WordPress Theme

X The Theme is among the most popular WordPress themes on the market. this Theme is influenced by several factors. Despite WordPress’s widespread use, the theme’s vast library of free plugins is the most significant factor.

Most of them:
  • You may add custom fields to the WordPress editor and add a lot more information about your items with the aid of Advanced Custom Fields PRO; Using the plugin ConvertPlug, you may grow your email list;
  • WPBakery Page Builder is a WordPress page builder with a frontend and backend editor; Essential Grid is a simple and efficient grid template builder.
  • Additionally, the theme works with the following plugins: UberMenu, LayerSlider, Slider Revolution, and Superfly.
  • Utilizing the X the theme nulled WordPress theme has several advantages, such as a comprehensive functional
Theme features four stacks of themes.

X the null theme WordPress Theme offers a wide range of distinctive extensions that may help with any website’s design development, regardless of its intended function;

All front-end elements may be customized using the WordPress Customizer, and the nulled theme is compatible with WooCommerce layouts.

One of the Theme Stacks might serve as your foundation. With their help, you may almost instantly start working on your own project.

Every stack is unique and offers a range of features. For example, stack Integrity can provide customers many alternatives when launching a website. With a distinctive stack design, you may develop a page that is uniquely yours.

You may develop your own style using the tools at your disposal and the variety of design possibilities. One template with a supposedly “flat” design is the Renew Stack. Using Flat components is suggested.

The theme’s third layer, the icon, is incredibly vivid. With its assistance, you may create a modern-style website, something that is not possible with all themes due to the lack of suitable templates.

Ethos, the final layer, is especially pertinent to online periodicals. As a result, they use it as a layout most frequently. X the null theme Numerous plug-ins and extensions, like Olark, White Label, Video Lock, and many others, are available with WordPress Theme.

Additionally, the user will find it handy because they are all included in the theme and will receive free updates. Additionally, you may get relevant WordPress themes from our website, including adaptable multipurpose themes like Avada and Enfold.

Panel of Theme Options

Our goal has always been to lead the WordPress development community. Because of this, we were careful not to employ heavy-duty extra admin panels and instead opted to use a powerful theme settings panel that was recently redesigned.

This setting allows you to preview all of the changes you make to your site live and search for exactly what you need without having to open or close windows or refresh your browser. As soon as you select “Save” and are happy with your modifications, your adjustments will become active.

All of the following are modifiable:

  • choosing within stacks
  • Site layout Site width maximum
  • Site length Content layout: color, pattern, picture, and background image fade
  • Innumerable Stack-specific options: If preferred, enable custom typefaces and their subsets.
  • Color, size, weight, letter spacing, and the option to activate uppercase style for the logo font
  • Navbar link color, hovering link color, weight, size, and the option to apply uppercase style
  • Headings font, color, weight, space between letters, and option to allow capitalization style
  • Body font, color, weight, and sizes (base and content area)
  • The color of the link and the hovering link
  • 3D, flat, or translucent button style
  • Form of button (pill, round, or square)
  • Size of button (giant, huge, extra large, regular, tiny, mini, or regular)
  • Border, background, and font colors of the button (as well as the hover values)
  • Header position: fixed left, fixed right, static top, or fixed top
  • The navigation structure (stacked or inline) and logo
  • Turn on or off Navibar Lookup
  • Top height of the navbar (in pixels)
  • Side width of the navbar (in pixels)
  • Prepare your logo for retina display.
  • Alignment of the side and top navbar logos (in pixels)
  • Navbar link alignment on the top and side (in pixels)
  • Alignment of the mobile navbar button (in pixels)
  • Size of the mobile navbar button (in pixels)
  • Header widget areas (one, two, three, or four) Button color for the header widget area
  • Color hover of the header widget area button
  • Turn on or off the topbar.
  • HTML-input capable topbar content for taglines, contact details, or supplementary navigation
  • Turn on or off breadcrumbs.
  • Turn on or off the upper footer section.
  • Enable or disable the footer menu, footer social menu, footer content section, and bottom footer in the first, second, third, and fourth footer widget areas.
  • Content for the bottom footer (accepts HTML input)
  • With a mouse click, visitors may return to the top of your website by enabling or disabling the Scroll Top Anchor.
  • Revise your blog’s style (masonry or standard).
  • Revise the blog’s design and archive style (masonry or standard).
  • Revise the layout of the archive
  • Turn on or off post meta
  • Activate the post’s excerpt or entire text on your index page.
  • Personalized URL slug for your Portoflio products
  • Turn on cropped featured photos.
  • Turn on or off portfolio item meta
  • Personalized tag list title for a portfolio
  • Personalized project title for a portfolio
  • Personalized button wording for a portfolio project
  • Put social media sharing buttons on portfolio items on or off.
  • Control and monitor your bbPress configuration
  • Change the bbPress layout; turn on or off the bbPress Navbar Menu
  • Control and view your BuddyPress configuration.
  • Revise the BuddyPress design
  • Activate/deactivate the BuddyPress Navbar Menu
  • Personalized component titles for BuddyPress
  • Subtitles for custom BuddyPress components (in appropriate Stacks)
  • Oversee and display your WooCommerce store.
  • Revise the store’s layout. Choose a few product columns.
  • Posts for the store on each page
  • Easily enable or disable different product tabs.
  • Change the Related Products’ look (post count, columns, etc.) and enable or deactivate them.
  • Turn on or off Upsells and changes their look (number of posts, columns, etc.)
  • Turn on or off cross-sells, and change how they look (post count, columns, etc.)
  • In WooCommerce widgets, adjust the picture orientation.
  • Site icons (favicon, touch icon, tile icon, and tile icon background color) for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Foursquare, YouTube, Vimeo,
  • Instagram, Pinterest, Dribbble, Behance, Tumblr, and RSS
  • Use the Theme Customizer to enter custom CSS.
  • Immediately enter custom JavaScript in the Theme Customizer.
  • You can control every widgetized section from within the Theme Customizer.
  • And a whole lot more!

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