Optimizing the Perfex CRM experience, PublishX is a Content Management System (CMS) powered by artificial intelligence. It provides a variety of cutting-edge functionalities, such as AI-powered post automation, templates optimized for search engines, support for multiple languages, integration with Google Analytics, dynamic post categories, speed optimization, a robust search option, scheduled options, the ability to monitor post views, and blog posts accessible through the client portal. By generating high-quality, engaging posts with AI, PublishX enables users to concentrate on content creation. Additional SEO-friendly templates are provided by the platform in order to increase website visibility and attract a larger audience. PublishX accommodates a wide range of users by facilitating the process of translating and localizing content.
The website’s responsiveness and speed are guaranteed by its Optimized For Speed architecture, while the robust search function enables users to locate pertinent content with ease. Users can schedule posts in advance using the Scheduled Options feature, while they can monitor performance and identify successful content using the Track Views feature. Additionally, PublishX enables users to inform clients about the latest blog content. In general, PublishX transforms the way Perfex users manage content, enabling them to optimize the visibility and interaction with their website.
Infix LMS Nulled Script
Nulled Infix LMS Script INFIX LMS is committed to establishing itself as the preeminent learning management system. By serving as an anchor between instructors and learners, this platform promotes the free exchange of information.
It surpasses its competitors in the following ways:
With INFIX LMS, instructors are afforded a great deal of autonomy in developing an extensive array of instructional resources. This platform supports a wide range of instructional materials, including live classrooms, text-based courses, engaging tasks, quizzes, and an extensive selection of file formats. The diverse array of instructional materials enables instructors to accommodate a wide spectrum of students, thereby meeting their specific educational needs.
However, INFIX LMS goes beyond merely empowering instructors; it also seeks to enhance the learning experiences of students. Students who are granted access to this repository of knowledge may utilize the diverse content to refine their skills and expand their understanding. This superior learning management system ensures that the learning process is not limited by geographical boundaries, but rather remains an ongoing and captivating experience.
In order to optimize the potential of one’s online education enterprise, INFIX LMS represents the pinnacle of achievement. Bid farewell to the intermediary and embrace unimpeded expansion and affluence.
- Public and Multiple Instructors
- Gamification in practice
- Covert Login
- Enroll in the complimentary course with a single click.
- Google Analytics Option Add-On
- PWA Prepared
- Drip material.
- Control of student access devices
- Under the referral program, both parties will receive a discount on their purchase.
- Design of Certificates
- Menu of Dynamic Headers
- Adjust the placement of chapters and courses by dragging and dropping them.
- Section QA
Functional Feature
- Profile of Students
- Both the instructor and administrator observe their own course.
- Profile of an Instructor
- Database-Storage of the Item Cart (No Risk Of The Buyer’s Cart Being Misplaced).
- Video Preview Live
- System for Login/Registration
- Real-time statistics
- Any registration may be denied by Admin for a specified reason.
- The administrator grants instructor and student authorization.
- Administration of every course (publish, unpublish, active, inactive).
- Self-hosted MP4, YouTube, and Vimeo are supported.
- Video Resume Presentation
- Option to Become an Instructor
- Download Course: PDF, Zip
- The Course Lookup
The course’s grade:
Course Inquiry FAQ
Review of Courses System
Quizzes for subjects
Unique instructor username
Bank Payment from Administration to the Instructor
Immediate Item Locator
Explanation of every object
Modify your password and profile
Unit of Currency Converter
The Transaction Record
The assertion
Produced earnings
Approval System for Items
Option for a Coupon on the Application.
Status of Refund for Super Admin
Template Email
History of Purchased Courses
Downloadable Invoice PDF
Aspects Item
- Rationale for translation
- Linguistic Translator
- Notification received
- The Advancement in the Course
- Course Preference Filters
- Plan for flat commissions
- Commission structure depending on instructors
- Commission structure predicated on courses and instructors
- Instructor Compensation
- Instructor Dashboard Information
- Student Information Dashboard
- Integration of Zoom Meetings for Live Classes
- Zoom provides a wide variety of Instructor API options.
- Simple, SEO-optimized URL.
- The Bootstrap 4 structure.
- Valid W3C Markup
- Fantastic font icons.
- Documentation Consists Of
- A simple design and code base.
- Positive Testimonials
- CMS Front End
- Backend support is limited to multiple languages.
- Page of About Details
- Page of Contact Information.
- Blogs of
- Right-click to deactivate the video.
- Geolocation for pupil registration
- Site IP Blocking functionality.
- Automatic Preloader
- Recurrent Updates
- Additional capabilities.
- Logout automatically following x minutes of inactivity.
- Log of Errors in General Settings
- An administrator immediately enrols a student in a course.
- Administrators have the ability to create courses and allocate them to instructors.
- If creating a live class, the Public/Private option should be selected.
- Status of a virtual class was added.
- The degree of categorization is unlimited.
- Search and course filtering on the Sudent dashboard
- Controlling Users (Role-Based)
- Demo Import of Data
- Google Drive for storing lessons
- Added course refund system.
- With regard to offline payments, deduct the amount paid.
- Concurrent instruction from multiple instructors.
Class remembrance
- Six Additional Home Pages
- Derivational equations
- The module for Google Meet is compatible.
- The module for Google Calendar is compatible.
- The Gift module is capable of compatibility.
- The waitlist module is built in.
- Modules for H5P are compatible.
- The module Registration Bonus is compatible.
- Module Compatibility for Upcoming Courses
- The payment gateway module of Authorize.net is compatible.
- The payment gateway module for Braintree is compatible.
- Compatible with the Mollie Payment Gateway Module
- The payment gateway module for Flutterwave is compatible.
- The payment gateway module for JazzCash is compatible.
- The payment gateway module for CCAvenue is compatible.
- The payment gateway module for Coinbase is compatible.
- Manual reminder of events in the classroom
- Manually publish a notice through the interface.
- One comment per place.
- Laravel should be upgraded from version 8 to version 10.
Instructor Attributes
- Introducing New Products.
- Establish a coupon code
- Oversee products.
- Students can view course comments and reply to them.
- Receive notifications regarding new students, as well as course remarks and replies.
- The course chapter, lesson, and assignment file should be uploaded.
- Specify the currency and default language for him exclusively.
- The Sales Record
- Wallet Declaration
- Verify Sales Using an API
- An examination of history.
Ancestral Products
- Examine the Monthly Earnings
- Consider the Earnings of the Year
- View Earnings Throughout History.
- Page of Instructor Profiles
- Instructor request for payment
- Display of the balance in the Instructor panel.
- Bank Disbursement
- Student Attributes
- During registration, the option to enable or deactivate email verification
- Once the course has been purchased, enroll in it.
- Purchase of Packages
- Make any course or video a bookmark.
- Student feedback is welcome on any course.
- Configure the default currency and language for your own use only.
- Receive notification via email.
- Option for Course Certificate Download
- Payment Gateway Provisioned.
- In-person payment
- Bank Transfer
- PayPal Contribute
- The stripe
- StackPay (Africa)
- The Paytm (Indian)
- Pay Razor (India)
- Preeminent (India)
- Midtrans is the name of Indonesia.
- The payer (Russian
- Paid Mercado (Paid)
- Template Editor for Emails.
- Verification of Student Registration via Email.
- Non-Online Payment
- Bank Transfer
- Payment for Enrollment in the Course
- Successfully Publish the Course
- Added Course Chapter
- Added Course Lesson
New Course Quiz
- Added Course ExerciseFile
- The Unpublished Course
- Enrollment Notification of New Members
- End of Instructor Payout Month
- Instructor Compensation Achieved
- Reduced Instructor Payouts
- Fresh comment regarding the course.
- Response to a New Comment
- Revisal of the Course
- Password Revision
- Rejection of Course Enrollment by Administrator
- Enablement of Course Enrollment by Administrator
- General Manager of Menus
- Develop additional pages.
- Implement static pages.
- Make use of the Custom link.
- Menu of nested flyouts
- Create an additional tab.
- Menu for flyouts: Left or Right
- Dynamic Generator of Certificates
- Establish a fresh Certificate.
- Upload designs of any dimension.
- Alter the location, font, color, and size.
Security Functions:
- Authentication via JWT
- Protection from Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- Protection from SQL Injection
- CSRF Safeguarding
- Encrypt and Secure Password Hashing
You can observe a number of InfixLMS’s practical characteristics on this page and in the live demonstration. A user may also observe the subsequent list of significant attributes:
Constantly responsive, the InfixLMS system makes little effort to improve its premier services. Material that is responsive and of high quality is readable on a variety of devices.
A variety of content formats are supported by InfixLMS, such as reports, video courses, live classrooms, text-based courses, and SCORM. The creation of lists or archives that house various types of documents in a single location is simplified through the specification of multiple content categories.
As both a marketplace and a service for a single instructor, InfixLMS is capable of accommodating both single and multiple instructors. It is the duty of educators to establish and uphold a learning environment that is stimulating, civil, productive, and inclusive.
Online Classes (Default Zoom):
Educational institutions and instructors will have the capability to provide online classes, while students will have the ability to arrange online courses, in-person, and group meetings through the Zoom application.
By implementing badges, reward points, and system gamification, you can establish a website-based professional-client loyalty club. Users have the ability to accumulate points through various activities on your platform, including making purchases, making account charges, publishing courses, passing quizzes, earning certificates, leaving comments, writing course reviews, subscribing to the newsletter, referring users (via affiliate programs), earning badges, completing courses, scheduling meetings, and interacting with the platform. gainer have the option to exchange their points for account balances or to pay for courses.
Users are granted permission to incorporate Vimeo and YouTube video URLs into their courses, thereby enabling the utilization of these platforms as secure and cost-free video repositories.
Social login:
Utilizing their social accounts (Google and Facebook), users can join in to the system using social login, which is a form of single sign-on that utilizes information already stored on the social networking site.
Drag & Drop Pagebuilder:
The default motif of InfixLMS permits complete customization of the page’s text, images, and CSS and JS codes.
Modify fonts and colors through the administration panel; InfixLMS automatically merges the user identifier and platform color within one minute. To modify the appearance area, navigate to the administration panel dashboard and modify every color and font.
Transaction monitoring, sales analysis, advanced reporting, refunds, manual accounting, settlements, invoices, offline payments, and more are all capabilities of the accounting system integrated into InfixLMS.
Support for shared hosting obviates the necessity of investing in costly VPS or dedicated servers. It is possible to deploy InfixLMS using a rudimentary shared hosting account.
Localization: InfixLMS supports translation into multiple languages. A listing of every official currency is provided. Although RTL mode is currently accessible, it only supports the primary script in a single language; for languages other than that, a distinct paid script is necessary.
Variable commission rates: By implementing variable commission rates, InfixLMS hopes to increase customer loyalty. To inspire and incentivize the most active instructors, demonstrate elevated commission rates.
Personnel and permissions: With InfixLMS, it is effortless to create a staff section with the corresponding access levels for each department.
Certification and quizzes:
Develop and implement an infinite number of certifications and assessments within courses. Users have the ability to generate graphic and video quizzes alongside text queries. A sophisticated certification system is integrated into InfixLMS, allowing users to generate certificates of course completion and certifications based on quizzes.
InfixLMS provides an extensive array of marketing functionalities, encompassing curated email newsletters, advanced discount codes, content promotions, highlighted courses, Acelle, Get Response, and Mailchimp, as well as advertising banners and modals and course discounts.
Automatic alerts will be generated by InfixLMS subsequent to each pertinent procedure. Additionally, users have the ability to distribute promotional and customized alerts to others. Notification via browser, notification via email, and notification via push.
Professional administration panel: The user has complete control over the administration panel. Access to numerous features is possible, including lists and reports that are contingent upon the functionality of the system.
Student and administrator instructor panels: InfixLMS provides instructors, users, and organizations with diverse data types access to a variety of panels.
Offline payments: With administrator authorization, users will be able to charge their accounts using an offline payment system, and the funds will be deposited into their accounts.
Virtual Class: Alongside private classes, class start dates, class reports, frequently asked questions, filters, ratings, and invited instructors, each class includes a multitude of functionalities that enable the creation of impactful instructional materials to address diverse academic requirements.
Course Sections:
Oversee the organization of course material throughout units and chapters. Sections are organizational units composed of sections of students. Upon enrolling in a course, users become members of one of its components.
Apply multiple restricting criteria, including time and sequence, to limit students’ access to course files and chapters (drip material). Students have the option of accessing course portions X days after purchasing the course or completing the preceding section.
Course Mode (Private or Public):
Do you intend to implement an LMS for internal use only? By configuring the private mode, one can regulate the individuals who are granted access to enroll in courses.
Manual Enrollment:
Enroll students in courses and products manually via the administration interface. Manual enrollment entails the instructor individually or collectively selecting and enrolling the students who wish to be enrolled in the course. The process of enrolling students in a course manually is detailed in these instructions.
Course Statistics: Interactively access and visualize course data and statistical information.
Question Bank:
Generate an assortment of exam questions and distribute them to users in a pre-established quantity, in either a sequential or random fashion. One way to enhance the precision of exams is to present users with arbitrary inquiries.
Device Limit: Discourage account sharing among users and restrict logged-in sessions to a maximum of one per user.
Automatic Content Approval: User-generated content (courses, articles, etc.) will be promptly published without requiring administrator approval.
Private Courses: Using the administration interface, the administrator can manually enroll students in private courses that do not appear on the product page.
Enable this functionality to provide users with updates regarding the progress of the platform’s maintenance or imminent launch.
One-Click Update System: Update your website or application to the most recent version via the administration interface.
Payment gateways (10 Included):
An assortment of gateways catering to different countries are accessible. JazzCash, Authorize.net, Stripe, Razorpay, Paytm, Paystack, Mercadopago (Paid module), Midtrans, Braintree, Molli, Bkash, Coinbase, and Instamojo. Additionally, offline payments are supported via a premium plugin.
Bunny Storage (CDN/Streaming) (Module):
Are you interested in safeguarding your videos and courses against unauthorized access, downloading, and distribution? Implement this utility to safeguard your video content from unauthorized downloads.
Jitsi (Module):
Facilitate live video conferences with participants while experiencing minimal latency with Jitsi.
Gift (Module):
Enable users of your platform to instantly or on a predetermined date distribute courses or other resources to their peers as gifts. An email will be sent to the recipient confirming receipt of the gift.
Courses Upcoming (Module):
Inform the users of your platform regarding upcoming courses. By subscribing to prospective courses, users will receive notifications once the course becomes available for enrollment. Acquire early adaptors for your course prior to its official release.
Installments (Module):
Employ installments (partial payment) to sell various products, including courses, and establish the installment price, payment terms, duration, and interest rate. Disable access to the platform or course for late payments. A reminder for each payment will be sent via email by the system.
Registration Bonus (Module):
Encourage individuals to register on your website by offering a registration incentive to your site’s visitors. Enable immediate access to the benefit for customers, or mandate that they fulfill designated obligations, such as completing referral transactions or referring users, in order to obtain the incentive.
The noticeboard, which is a module, allows users to distribute personalized reminders to students and exhibit announcements. Distribute alerts of varying hues to course participants.
Multilingual (Module):
Develop content for the Internet in multiple languages. The content will be uploaded to the designated location in the user’s native language.
Affiliate (Module):
Leverage the funds of your audience by incorporating affiliate marketing into your platform. Individuals will have the ability to generate revenue by endorsing courses on your platform in exchange for affiliate links.
SCORM (Module):
Interactive learning should be possible on your platform. Publication of iSpring, Adobe Captive, and other program-generated training materials is possible.
In-App Live Class System (Module):
You can immediately begin hosting live classes on your platform with its remarkable capabilities, which include live chat, share screen, and more. There will be no additional use of third-party applications to redirect your customers elsewhere. Feature a live class screen on your website if possible. It looks magnificent! Implementation of this capability occurs via the Agora API.
SAAS (Module):
Place restrictions on organizational teachers, students, courses, meeting hours, and live class capacity when developing a variety of service packages for organizations and instructors. To gain access to additional features, users are required to enhance their accounts.
Appointment (Module):
Enables users to locate the most qualified instructors by considering a variety of criteria, such as tutoring level, subject matter, meeting format (virtual or physical), meeting time and day, geographical coordinates, age, and gender. This function includes a user-friendly wizard that compiles the student’s information into the most pertinent matches.
Forum (Module):
Incorporate a professional forum and community functionality to enhance your LMS platform. It will be possible for users to initiate discussions on a wide range of subjects and post new topics in various categories.
Google Calendar (Module):
By integrating InfixLMS with Google Calendar, users are able to promptly receive reminders for all of their events, including meetings, live class sessions, and more. This feature guarantees that nothing is overlooked.
Organizational education (Module):
By enabling the definition of institutes and organizations comprised of linked students and instructors, InfixLMS supports alliances and institutions. Different organizations may impose different fees on their own students.
Multi-currency (Module):
Provide an exchange rate for course prices and enable the sale of courses in multiple currencies. Provide access to payment gateways in all currencies. Extend your business globally.
Amazon S3 (Module):
Utilize multiple S3 storage providers to reduce hosting costs, including Wasabi and Amazon S3.
Subscription (Module):
Students have the option to subscribe to courses through the purchase of diverse subscription plans, in addition to conducting regular purchases through the cart. Additionally, users have the ability to generate unlimited membership plans, which grant them access to every piece of content on the platform for a specified duration.
Groups (Module):
An element of InfixLMS, this system allocates users to distinct user groups in exchange for commission rates and supplementary discounts.
Cashback (Module):
One way to incentivize consumers of your platform to recharge their wallets and make purchases is by providing a fixed amount or a specified percentage after each transaction. After the payment is processed, the funds will be deposited into the user’s account in accordance with the specified cashback criteria.
Course Waitlist (Module):
To ensure that potential students are not overlooked, activate the waitlist feature for your course. Users are permitted to enroll in the waitlist until the course is in session or capacity is reached. Notify the members of your waitlist regarding upcoming events.
Assignments and homework, which are defined within the module, serve to enhance the educational experience by providing distinct criteria such as grade point averages, due dates, and more.
Support Ticket System (Module):
Through the use of a support system, students will be able to communicate with instructors in a practical and transparent course. Users may also submit requests for support to the administrator.
Bundle Subscription (Module):
The most intriguing module bundle subscription is provided by InfixLMS, which includes features that are currently trending. This module enables the creation of current course collections that can be resold under a subscription model for a premium price. The duration of each Course Bundle’s subscription may also be selected by the administrator. Students may utilize a bundle course subscription to renew expired bundles by re-enrolling in the instructor’s course.
The InfixLMS Chat module facilitates instantaneous communication among users within an application. The Chat Module for InfixLMS is now available. The instructor may only communicate with the student who enrolls in the course, whereas the administrator may correspond with either student or instructor. Talk module option for Pusher and jQuery; invitation requirement; administrators may create group chats, access chat systems, and speak without an invitation.
The tax module of the InfixLMS extension plugin facilitates the prompt payment of both taxable and untaxed prices. Tax Add-ons for InfixLMS provide users with the ability to assess the cost of courses both with and without tax. The selected option is temporarily retained on the user’s device, enabling the user to view cost information that corresponds to their selection as they navigate between pages.
Support for WhatsApp (Module):
WhatsApp originated as a substitute for SMS. A diverse array of media can now be transmitted and received via InfixLMS. This includes texts, images, videos, documents, locations, and audio calls. Because WhatsApp facilitates the transmission of some of your most private moments, the service employs end-to-end encryption.
TeachOffline (Module):
This permits users to view all of the instructor’s courses and is the offline-taught InfixLMS module. By accessing the Country List Download, administrators can acquire a rudimentary MS Excel data sheet into which they can enter the student’s name.
Course Offer (Module):
An paid add-on for an InfixLMS Course Offering is a one-of-a-kind provision of an authorized price reduction for a specific course, including seminars, classroom instruction, or a supervised examination of self-study. It specifies a predetermined range of prices or percentages to be retained. A course is an embodiment of the academic guidance provided by the university to its students, whereas course offerings represent actual tuition costs, which may incorporate a student discount program.
InfixLMS Survey Questions (Module):
Establishing an online survey is a relatively uncomplicated task, especially when utilizing a dependable LMS. Simply posing pertinent inquiries in your survey is intended to evoke candid and unbiased responses.
Skills & Pathway (Module):
The primary purpose of the skills and pathways feature is to assist clients in overseeing the development and training requirements of their personnel, in addition to their own skill sets. A digital marketing talent may be established by a customer, comprising the subsequent components: name, description, and badge. Proficiency in this ability will be mandatory for the successful completion of a course, exam, or pathway.
User Type (Module):
One can easily transition between account modules in order to allocate a specific assignment or piece of work using InfixLMS. LMSs that have clearly defined responsibilities and duties may streamline their role-related processes. It might instruct its staff to improve their performance and maintain greater attention to specifications. Additionally, it facilitates the identification of operational efficiency through the reduction of confusion and redundancy.
This is the InfixLMS Add-on (module). xAPI is a straightforward, lightweight method for storing, retrieving, and sharing learner records across platforms. Application programming interface (API) is a standardized software mechanism that facilitates data exchange and communication between applications. Activity statements that are generated via the xAPI by activity providers may subsequently be transmitted to the LRS or from the LRS to additional systems. Numerous contemporary applications offer APIs that enable their data to be accessed by other systems, and vice versa.
FrontendMultiLang (Module):
An InfixLMS frontend multi-language platform enables users to select the language they wish to study and supports multiple languages. This includes a localized user interface that supports multiple currencies, languages, data formats, and units of measurement, in addition to educational materials.
The Quiz activity module from AdvanceQuiz empowers instructors and group leaders to generate and distribute quizzes comprising diverse question formats, such as multiple-choice, true-false, and short-answer inquiries. These inquiries are archived in the Question Bank of the website and are available for reuse on multiple sites. Multiple attempts are permitted on quizzes, and every attempt is automatically graded. The instructor has the authority to decide whether to display the correct answers or provide feedback.
AI Content (Module):
Open AI is incorporated into InfixLMS to provide superior content that reduces resource consumption, improves quality, and transforms the LMS into a more customized solution. Open AI is a significant component of Infix e-learning. As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly cognizant of consumer behavior and thought processes, it can also predict the types of content they consume and find enjoyable.
H5P (Module):
The most vital e-learning InfixLMS Module is presented here. H5P represents the HTML5 Package. H5P permits the development, distribution, and reuse of interactive content. HTML5 is a markup language that permits the creation of interactive content without the need for modules, among other features. It is user-friendly and optimized for mobile devices.
Google Meet (Module):
The Google Meet module for InfixLMS offers secure, reliable, and user-friendly video conferencing. Engage with the school community by utilizing instructional videos for parent-teacher conferences, professional development, and other events. Classroom, Slides, Docs, and Gmail are a few of the Google Workspace for Education products that can be seamlessly incorporated with Meet.
TwoFA (Module): Two-factor authentication prohibits unauthorized access to your users’ sessions, even if they know their password, and provides an additional layer of security for an improved user experience in InfixLMS. A combination of two elements—something they know and password key numbers—is employed to increase security.
Online InfixLMS Documentation
Important Reminder:
We are delighted to provide assistance within a timeframe of no more than two days.
In the event that the item has been downloaded or inadvertently purchased, refunds are not issued.
Installation and assistance with custom scripts are not provided at no cost.
Prior to finalizing a purchase, it is advisable to thoroughly review all product information.
You may utilize the product on a single domain and server, with an utmost of one, following purchase.
We provide a demonstration so that you may examine every aspect of the product in depth. However, it should be noted that refund requests are not eligible for processing after the transaction has been completed.
The standard license excludes webpack resources. (As available)
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