Bookly Custom Fields is an add-on that enables users to customize their Bookly booking form by adding new fields to the Details section, allowing customers to provide additional information before booking. This feature is simple to set up and updates the Bookly Calendar.
Bookly Custom Fields nulled plugin
Bookly Custom Fields nulled plugin Please be aware that this add-on requires the Bookly Custom Fields nulled plugin to function. Visit the CodePen Bookly repository.
When I make a reservation, is there anything else you would want me to know? The scheduling wizard in Bookly PRO requires the following default fields: name, phone, email, and appointment notes. By adding additional fields of various kinds in the Details area of the Bookly booking form, you can personalize it with the help of the Bookly Custom Fields add-on. You may use this feature to request more specific information from your clients before they complete their reservation. The appointment data and custom fields will be added to the Bookly Calendar.
Create as many fields with personalization as you want.
Use a variety of inputs, such as text, checkboxes, radio buttons, drop-down menus, numbers, captchas, and so on, to vary the questions you ask.
Your form should have conditional fields.
Change a field’s mandatory or optional status.
Link the appropriate APIs to the data fields.
Create backend-only, hidden custom fields in your Bookly account.
Make any required changes to the optional appointment fields.
It just takes a few minutes to set up the custom fields functionality, just like any other Bookly add-on. A software program for scheduling and booking appointments is called Bookly PRO.
Your customers will need to enter personal information (such as name, phone number, and email address) in order to confirm a booking.
With the Custom Fields extension, you can create new fields to gather more information from clients. These fields will appear to you during the information phase of the booking process, and your Bookly calendar will be updated appropriately.
Make as many as you anticipate being required.
There are several question types that may be posed, including text boxes, choice boxes, multiple choice questions, and more.
List the fields that need to be filled out and the ones that may be skipped.
Bookly Definable Fields Plugin
You may add additional fields to your account with the Bookly Custom Fields Add-on in order to get more data from your customers. These fields will be added at the Details stage of your Bookly Calendar, along with the details of your bookings. Please take note that you need to have Bookly PRO installed and running in order to use this add-on.
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